The 10 | Kerri N

Monday, December 18, 2006

About The Artist

I never know where to start with these damn things *sigh*. Because when put on the the spot my mind either draws a blank or fuzzy circles I'll start with a list of random facts and reiterate from there:

  1. I'm left-handed.

  2. I am an Aries. Outright.

  3. I was raised in the mountains.

  4. I've been drawing sense the day I could hold a pencil.

  5. The more bizarre, the longer it retains my interest.

  6. I like shiny things - also zombies.

  7. I have an unhealthy fascination with the undead (see above).

  8. By religion I qualify as an Occultist.

  9. I've never been unsure of anything in my life, but I have been wrong.


I'm left-handed. My father is the only other lefty in my bloodline, and though he didn't teach me much else, he did teach me how to open doors, and to this day I have to turn a full circle to walk through a doorway. And no, other lefties do not do that. My dad's a doofus.


I'm unbearably driven to do whatever I set my mind to, no matter how stupid or far fetched. Aries is the leader sign f the Zodiac and we're known as the pioneers; i.e. we start shit then turn it over to a Libra or Aquarius to finish it. I can't tell you how many unfinished projects I have floating around right now. Everything I feel at the moment I think I'll feel for the rest of my life, until five minutes later when I change it and feel that for the rest of our life. Aye...


From age five to twelve my main means of entertainment involved collecting unidentifiable roadkill bones and poking dead things with sticks. This, among other childhood activities, (*ahem* repeatedly exhuming dead pets) are likely signs of slight mental distortion. But what good artist isn't tweaked or on drugs? Those were the days, man.


Just like it says, I've been doodling for pretty much EVER. I recently came across archaic pictures I drew of naked people doing...uh...naked things and in terms of certain body parts boy was I off. Ultimately, they still went on the wall to greet my friends and family upon entering my house (sometimes by force, why not?)


Normal is normal, weird is everything else. Thereby in being weird, the possibilities for life experiences are endless. Think about this: Ted is a normal guy. Pastels, shirt and tie, works in an office. On weekends Ted likes to get spanked by a tranny hooker in a seedy roadside hotel. The moral of the story? Don't feel bad about your freak, Ted does it too.


Beauty to me is everything from a polished rock to a dying animal. It isn't in the least the death I find beautiful, but the fight to survive. Too long we have been led to believe happiness is the only positive emotion to be had. All emotion is divine and to feel is to be alive, even if it means crying yourself to sleep.


I touched on the concept a bit but from a basic standpoint, I'm naturally drawn to bloodshed and the captivating concept of the unnatural. I always believed humans fear that which they do not understand, and because of this when we don't understand something we are quick to dismiss it in an effort to maintain a sound mind. But remember: life is the journey, not the destination; and your life will go nowhere lest you step outside the safety of the known.


Religion used to be the science, now science is our religion. But how much faith can you put into a system that presents you with this: Eggs are good for you, eggs are bad for you, eggs are good for you, eggs are bad for you; every five years with this shit. When humanity was at its most profound we were born knowing, now we are born asking and waiting to be told by someone no more wise than ourselves. Fools hold our lives in their hands and people are raised not to think for themselves, but to allow these fools to think for us so we don't have to. I believe we are willing to submit to this because if we do not think for ourselves we don't have to take responsibility for ourselves - because who wants to do that. On that note, I feel religion is either the product of people not want to take responsibility for their own lives, or a pacifier for those who fear their impending death. To be religious is foolish, to be spiritual divine. Take from life only what you know to be true and move on. Do this and you won't have to ask questions.


Just like it says, I have never been unsure of anything in my life, but I have been wrong. But to be wrong is a learning experience, and a man who learns nothing simply cannot evolve; forever trapped in the stagnate of his limited ideals.

Kerri's 10

Lemme get it out of the way: I create a lot of art. A lot of art. Yet seemingly I only turn out a finished product once in a blue moon or two. Why is this, you ask? Well because: I hold myself to nearly impossible standards. No, I don't think I'm the shit. I think my work is shit, so I do it and redo it and redo it until I finally shove it into the public and ignore it thereafter. My Professor has a serious concern for this but I've also heard it's not uncomm0on for artist to go through this cyclical editing process. Crazy? Maybe. Compulsive? I think so. But where would art be without change? Art is change my friend and I wanna make it happen. With that said, These are the current (and frequently updated) top ten pieces I've managed to squeeze out of that weird little spiral in my head. Enjoy.


The Spirit Tree
I created this one in Photoshop CS2, may weapon of choice, about a year ago. Had a dream, drew a picture, you know how it is. It may not be the most impressive piece I've ever turned out, and may not be the most eye-catching, but it's mine and I like it.


Vs. Science
It's unfinished, and I'll likely never finish it. I've got more half-done art pieces floating around my hard drive than I can count but hey, I hear the concept invokes a lot of questions.


Lucky 13
There is way too much vintage Vegas art out there for this one to be anything special but this is also the reason why I couldn't help myself. I had to make one of my own. Rendered in Photoshop of course, using stock photos and a couple of layer effects.


Subject Zero Logo
Nothing special, just a logo that got a lot of favoritism and positive feedback. Subject Zero is the design and marketing company that I am a partner in, so if all goes well you'll be seeing this logo in many other places.


Third Eye
This little piece of junk was kind of a pretty accident. I was tinkering with work paths and other layer options in Photoshop when I eventually reached this outcome. Like it? Hell, I like it.


Eighth in the Zodiac and second in the 'Zodiac' line of artwork I've been turning out lately. Of course I've only done two... Pfft. Not unlike me.


First in the Zodiac and first in the 'Zodiac' series. This is my personal favorite not only because I am an Aries but also because, well, it's just plain better.


Mutant Crossing
It might be simple but this is hands down my favorite piece. I originally made it for Second Life with full intent to turn it into an actual sign in the interface. And I did too.


Zombie Flakes
In Illustrator class I had to design a cereal box and, well, Corn Pops just aren't for me. My friend Patrick made 'Crack Pops'. Okay so he didn't...but he should have!!!


?Vector 01
My very first vector drawing and I gotta say, it came out waaay better than expected. I'm especially proud of this one because this means the pen tool no longer scares the crap outta me. It's ma baby.