Kerri's 10
Lemme get it out of the way: I create a lot of art. A lot of art. Yet seemingly I only turn out a finished product once in a blue moon or two. Why is this, you ask? Well because: I hold myself to nearly impossible standards. No, I don't think I'm the shit. I think my work is shit, so I do it and redo it and redo it until I finally shove it into the public and ignore it thereafter. My Professor has a serious concern for this but I've also heard it's not uncomm0on for artist to go through this cyclical editing process. Crazy? Maybe. Compulsive? I think so. But where would art be without change? Art is change my friend and I wanna make it happen. With that said, These are the current (and frequently updated) top ten pieces I've managed to squeeze out of that weird little spiral in my head. Enjoy.
The Spirit Tree
I created this one in Photoshop CS2, may weapon of choice, about a year ago. Had a dream, drew a picture, you know how it is. It may not be the most impressive piece I've ever turned out, and may not be the most eye-catching, but it's mine and I like it.
Vs. Science
It's unfinished, and I'll likely never finish it. I've got more half-done art pieces floating around my hard drive than I can count but hey, I hear the concept invokes a lot of questions.
Lucky 13
There is way too much vintage Vegas art out there for this one to be anything special but this is also the reason why I couldn't help myself. I had to make one of my own. Rendered in Photoshop of course, using stock photos and a couple of layer effects.
Subject Zero Logo
Nothing special, just a logo that got a lot of favoritism and positive feedback. Subject Zero is the design and marketing company that I am a partner in, so if all goes well you'll be seeing this logo in many other places.
Third Eye
This little piece of junk was kind of a pretty accident. I was tinkering with work paths and other layer options in Photoshop when I eventually reached this outcome. Like it? Hell, I like it.
Eighth in the Zodiac and second in the 'Zodiac' line of artwork I've been turning out lately. Of course I've only done two... Pfft. Not unlike me.
First in the Zodiac and first in the 'Zodiac' series. This is my personal favorite not only because I am an Aries but also because, well, it's just plain better.
Mutant Crossing
It might be simple but this is hands down my favorite piece. I originally made it for Second Life with full intent to turn it into an actual sign in the interface. And I did too.
Zombie Flakes
In Illustrator class I had to design a cereal box and, well, Corn Pops just aren't for me. My friend Patrick made 'Crack Pops'. Okay so he didn't...but he should have!!!
?Vector 01
My very first vector drawing and I gotta say, it came out waaay better than expected. I'm especially proud of this one because this means the pen tool no longer scares the crap outta me. It's ma baby.
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